Grouting concrete JB 600/3

Kysy lisätietoa


Fescon Grouting Concrete 600/3 is a concrete for demanding casting applications that expands before setting and has an extremely high strength. The maximum grain size is 3.0 mm. 

  • Strength class C 50/60 (28 days, +20°C)
  • Highly effective protection against steel corrosion
  • Excellent casting properties (pliable, easy flow)
  • Good adhesive properties
  • Low drying shrinkage
  • SILKO-approved
  • frost-resistant


  • Anchor grouting
  • Grouting of columns
  • Jointing and grouting of prefabricated elements
  • Injection casting
Tuote on listattu Pohjoismaisen Ympäristömerkinnän rakennustuotetietokantaan ja sitä voidaan käyttää Joutsenmerkityissä rakennuksissa.
GTIN-koodi Tuotenimi Tuotenumero Pakkauskoko
6416841530226 JUOTOSBETONI JB 600/3 25 KG 53022 25 kg
6416841330222 JUOTOSBETONI JB 600/3 1000 KG 33022 1000 kg


The base must be undamaged, clean, and damp enough to be darker in colour. If necessary, remove the weak-strength cement paste layer. Best adhesion can be achieved to a rough base. The mould must be tight, because the grouting concrete is very pliable and flows easily. Normal casting can be carried out from one side. Thus, build that side's mould higher than usual and, if necessary, also wider, so that the grouting concrete can fill the casting space under its own weight. When using galvanised steels, you must make absolutely sure that the coating has become passive.

Work instructions

We recommend casting as soon as possible after mixing the mass, as this allows the full utilisation of the expansion of the fresh mass. The mass is so pliable that compacting is not usually necessary. The flow can be enhanced by ramming or light vibrating. When doing thick casting layers (over 50 mm), you should do the casting in several layers. Each layer must be allowed to harden for at least one day before the next casting. Do not allow the freshly cast concrete to freeze. The lowest usage temperature is +5°C.

After treatment

You must care for the cast surface by spraying with water and/or protect it with a plastic film. The need for aftercare depends on the conditions. It should continue for at least one to three days.

Varastointi ja jätteen käsittely
Katso erillinen varastointi ja hävitysohje

Vedentarve 3.3-3.75 l/25 kg
Valmista massaa 11 - 12 l / 25 kg bag
Olomuoto Powder
Sideaine Portland cement
Runkoaine Natural sand
Väri Grey
Koostumus Portland cement, natural sand (max. grain size 3.0 mm), and additives that improve workability and weather resistance, and also make the fresh concrete to expand.
Pakkauskoko 25 kg and 1000 kg

Storage time in a dry location approx. 1 year

Työstettävyysaika 1 h
Lujuusluokka C 50/60

(SILKO) > 2.5 Mpa (from the beginning of the breakpoint)


grouting concrete meets the pullout test requirement of standard EN 1881 according to standard EN 1504-6

Tilavuuden muutos < +5 %
Palokäyttäytyminen A1
Rasitusluokat XC 4, XD 3, XS 3, XF 4, XA 1 (XA 2) (100 years)
Kloridipitoisuus 0.01 %

(SILKO) 0 mm in expedited test (CO2 5%, 91 days)

Pakkasenkestävyys (SILKO) no erosion in a 50-cycle frost-salt test
Vastuunrajaus, tuotteen käyttöön liittyvät huomiot ja rajoitukset: Tutustu Fescon Oy:n yleisiin toimitusehtoihin ja tuotteeseen liittyviin suunnittelu- sekä työohjeisiin.