Fescotop F300

Kysy lisätietoa


Fescotop F300 is a cement-based dry-shake floor hardener. F300 is a pre-mixed floor hardener applied on fresh concrete. 

  • Wear resistance class A3
  • Dust-free, tight surface
  • Increases the shock resistance of the surface
  • Increases the chemical endurance of the surface against oils and greases
  • Even and strong surface
  • Easy care


Fescotop F300 Floor Hardener is used to increase the wear resistance of a concrete slab and prevent dust formation. Typical applications include: 

  • Warehouses, storage areas and transport routes
  • Industrial facilities
  • Parking facilities, garages
  • Service stations
Tuote on listattu Pohjoismaisen Ympäristömerkinnän rakennustuotetietokantaan ja sitä voidaan käyttää Joutsenmerkityissä rakennuksissa.
GTIN-koodi Tuotenimi Tuotenumero Pakkauskoko
6416841770806 FESCOTOP F300 NATURAL/BETHARM 25 KG 77080 25 kg


The strength of the concrete must be suitable for the application, with as little shrinkage as possible. Spread the concrete to the correct level and compact it with a vibratory screed (or a hand-held vibrator). Be careful when compacting. The moment the plasticity of the concrete allows, float the concrete manually or mechanically. If the concrete has bled water, remove it before floating by slowly pulling over the surface with a rubber hose or trowel. You should begin the floating from quickly hardening areas, next to walls, door openings, columns and stoppers. Do not use aggregates containing calcium chloride, salt water or salt in the concrete.

Work instructions

Spread the dry-shake evenly either manually or using a suitable tool. Wait until the dry-shake has been dampened throughout by the water in the concrete (the surface has darkened). Float the surface as soon as possible using a low-RPM float machine. Float until moisture rises through the dry-shake and forms a plastic layer on top of the slab. When spreading the dry-shake manually, first apply two thirds of the dry-shake, float, and then apply the rest so that the surface becomes as even as possible. Float the second time in the same way as the first. If you are spreading the dry-shake with a machine, spread the entire amount at the same time.

Once the surface has hardened sufficiently, finish the surface with a low-RPM float machine with the blades level. Perform the final finish later using the same machine but at higher RPMs.

When the floor surface withstands walking, spray the entire surface with Fescon Aftercare Agent using a suitable method. Coverage around 10 m2 / l.

Saw the joints immediately when possible without cracking the concrete.

Other considerations

Wash tools with water.

Varastointi ja jätteen käsittely
Katso erillinen varastointi ja hävitysohje https://www.fescon.fi/materiaalipankki


5 - 10 kg/m2, depending on the requirements set for the base, concrete quality, and working conditions

light to average load 3 - 4,5 kg/m²

average to heavy load 5 - 6 kg/m²

Olomuoto powder
Väri gray

0 - 3 mm

Pakkauskoko 25 kg

min. 12 months (protected from humidity and frost)


pedestrian traffic 1-2 days

light traffic 7-10 days

fully dried 28 days

Lujuusluokka C 70

with water amount of 3.25 l/25 kg 

1 day: approx. 40 MPa (EN 196-1)

7 days: approx. 70 MPa

28 days: approx. 85-90 MPa

Taivutusvetolujuus approx. 6.5 MPa, flexural bond strength class F6

2.9 cm3 / 50 cm2

wear resistance class A3


28 days: 1.25 ‰ (UNI 6555-73)

Palokäyttäytyminen A1
Vastuunrajaus, tuotteen käyttöön liittyvät huomiot ja rajoitukset: Tutustu Fescon Oy:n yleisiin toimitusehtoihin ja tuotteeseen liittyviin suunnittelu- sekä työohjeisiin.