Masonry mortar M100/600 Winter

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Fescon Masonry mortar M100/600 Winter is as cement-based mortar for burnt and sand-lime brick facade masonry in winter conditions in the temperature range -15°C...+5°C. The maximum grain size is 2.0 mm. For brickwork repointing and for repairing mortar joints. For cold flue parts in chimney masonry, such as in cold attics and above the roof, as well as for the masonry of the outer brick shell of the fireplace. 


  • For facade masonry in winter conditions
  • For brick work jointing and jointing of natural and slate stones on vertical surfaces
  • For repairing existing mortar joints
  • For cold flue parts in chimney masonry, such as in cold attics and above the roof
Tuote on listattu Pohjoismaisen Ympäristömerkinnän rakennustuotetietokantaan ja sitä voidaan käyttää Joutsenmerkityissä rakennuksissa.
GTIN-koodi Tuotenimi Tuotenumero Pakkauskoko
6416841330703 MUURAUSLAASTI M100/600 TALVI 1000 KG 33070 1000 kg
6416841340009 MUURAUSLAASTI 39 KVARTSINVALKOINEN TALVI 1000 KG 34000 1000 kg
6416841340016 MUURAUSLAASTI 59 TUOHENVALKOINEN TALVI 1000 KG 34001 1000 kg
6416841340023 MUURAUSLAASTI 40 KALKINHARMAA TALVI 1000 KG 34002 1000 kg
6416841340030 MUURAUSLAASTI 41 VILJANKELTAINEN TALVI 1000 KG 34003 1000 kg
6416841340047 MUURAUSLAASTI 42 TIILENPUNAINEN TALVI 1000 KG 34004 1000 kg
6416841340054 MUURAUSLAASTI 45 MULLANRUSKEA TALVI 1000 KG 34005 1000 kg
6416841340061 MUURAUSLAASTI 46 TURPEENRUSKEA TALVI 1000 KG 34006 1000 kg
6416841340078 MUURAUSLAASTI 48 MUSTANHARMAA TALVI 1000 KG 34007 1000 kg
6416841340085 MUURAUSLAASTI 52 PELLAVANVAALEA TALVI 1000 KG 34008 1000 kg
6416841340306 MUURAUSLAASTI 44 HIEKANRUSKEA TALVI 1000 KG 34030 1000 kg
6416841340221 MUURAUSLAASTI 71 JOUTSEN TALVI 1000 KG 34022 1000 kg
6416841340252 MUURAUSLAASTI 72 ALLI TALVI 1000 KG 34025 1000 kg
6416841340276 MUURAUSLAASTI 73 KÄKI TALVI 1000 KG 34027 1000 kg
6416841340153 MUURAUSLAASTI 74 HAUKKA TALVI 1000 KG 34015 1000 kg
6416841340269 MUURAUSLAASTI 75 KIURU TALVI 1000 KG 34026 1000 kg
6416841340207 MUURAUSLAASTI 77 NAAKKA TALVI 1000 KG 34020 1000 kg
6416841340245 MUURAUSLAASTI 79 KIIRUNA TALVI 1000 KG 34024 1000 kg
6416841340290 MUURAUSLAASTI 80 KUUKKELI TALVI 1000 KG 34029 1000 kg
6416841340115 MUURAUSLAASTI 81 TAVI TALVI 1000 KG 34011 1000 kg
6416841340214 MUURAUSLAASTI 82 METSO TALVI 1000 KG 34021 1000 kg
6416841340320 MUURAUSLAASTI 83 RIEKKO TALVI 1000 KG 34032 1000 kg
6416841340122 MUURAUSLAASTI 85 KORPPI TALVI 1000 KG 34012 1000 kg
6416841340139 MUURAUSLAASTI 86 PYY TALVI 1000 KG 34013 1000 kg


  • The temperature of the masonry brick or structure is above > -15°C
  • Brick, natural stone, slate
  • Brick pallets are protected from rain. The bricks must not be wet or covered with snow or ice.


  • Masonry structures are not primed

Mixing and application of the product

  • Masonry work should not be carried out in direct sunlight, in the rain or during strong winds.
  • The working temperature should be between +5°C and -15°C. The joint effect of wind and frost must be taken into account.
  • A bag (25 kg) of dry powder is mixed with 3.0 to 3.5 litres of clean water. 
  • Do not add all the water at first. The mixture contains the correct amount of water when the mortar holds its shape and no water rises to the surface.
  • The amount of water must be as instructed in the product card. Deviating from the recommended amount of water lowers the mortar’s strength properties, increases the risk of separation, affects the strength development and reduces workability. 
  • Product is mixed with a mortar stirrer, in a concrete mixer, or with a pan-mixer or a continuous mixer to a smooth consistency. The maximum mixing time is approx. 10 minutes.
  • If the working conditions are very dry or warm, it is possible to improve the adhesion by dampening the masonry joints or bricks. There should not be water drops on the substrate.  
  • Keep the amount of water the same during jointing, because any variations in the amount of water will show as colour differences in the joint.
  • The jointing technique affects the density of the mortar joint. Finish the jointing by sealing them with a brick jointer and removing any excess mortar from the brickwork by brushing diagonally over the joints with a masonry brush.
  • The expansion joints are provided as defined in the structural plans.
  • The working time of the mortar is about 1 hours. 
  • When finished working, wash the tools immediately with water.
  • Remove any dried mortar mechanically.
  • After casting, you should keep the mortar joints moist at temperatures below 0°C by fog spraying for about 3 days, depending on the conditions or the site.

Repointing to a previously masonry joint

  • Available in 20 standard colours. Special colours are subject to order.
  • When repointing, the old mortar must first be removed to a depth of at least 20 mm, but no more than 15% of the masonry depth or according to the designer’s instructions.
  • The joint is cleaned of dust and dampened.
  • When repointing, add the dry powder to the instructed amount of water and let it stand for about 10 minutes. After that, remix the paste and add masonry mortar to make the paste semi-dry. This mixing method ensures the sufficient air content of the mortar.
  • When repointing, start first with vertical joints and after that work with the horizontal ones. Repoints that are over 20 mm are done in two phases.
  • The working time of a semi-dry mortar for repointing is 1 to 2 hours.
  • After casting, you should keep the mortar joints moist at temperatures below 0°C by fog spraying for about 3 days, depending on the conditions or the site.
  • Bases or masonry units with low water absorption are repointed with Repairing plaster KL 1.2 or Facade coating JSP 1.5.

Other points to note

  • Construction planner instructions and official regulations are to be followed in all masonry work.
  • Not suitable for masonry of the inner shells of fireplaces or wood-burning stoves nor masonry of chimney flues indoors.
  • Masonry mortars may have slight differences in shade between small and big bags, as well as between the mortars intended for winter and summer time masonry, so it is not advisable to change the type of mortar in the middle of the wall.
  • When the temperature drops below -15°C, the masonry area should be covered for seven days to prevent it from freezing.
  • Winter products will be available in the winter season, from 15 September to 1 March. At other times, the products must be ordered separately.

Varastointi ja jätteen käsittely
Katso erillinen varastointi ja hävitysohje


Approx. 1.2 kg/MRT
Approx. 1.5 kg/NKH
Approx. 1.7 kg/NRT

Vedentarve 3.0-3.5 l/25 kg
Valmista massaa 13 - 14 l / 25 kg bag
Olomuoto Powder
Sideaine Cement
Väri Available in 20 standard colours, special colours subject to order

2.0 mm

Pakkauskoko 1000 kg

Storage time in a dry location approx. 1 year


Additives to improve workability and weather resistance and reduce the freezing point of water



Työstettävyysaika 1 h

M 5


≥0,16 N/mm2 (SFS-EN 998-2, 5.4.2 a)

Palokäyttäytyminen A1
Lämmönjohtavuus 0,72 [w/(m•K)], P=50%
Kloridipitoisuus < 0,1 % (EN 998-2:2016)
Vesihöyryn läpäisevyys

µ 15/35


0,2 kg/(m2 · min0,5) (EN1015-18)

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