Lime-cement plaster KS 50/50

Kysy lisätietoa


Fescon Lime-cement plaster KS 50/50 is an air entrained, lime cement based dry mortar. The maximum grain size is 3.0 mm or 1.2 mm. Lime-cement plaster KS 50/50 is suitable to be used as adhesion, filling and surface mortar.

  • Reliable long-lasting solution
  • Extremely weather-resistant
  • Breathable
  • Excellent machinability
  • Can be sprayed and applied manually


  • Burnt brick and lime sand brick
  • Lightweight gravel concrete and lightweight concrete
  • Lime-cement plastering
  • Traditional plastering (e.g. stick plastering)
Tuote on listattu Pohjoismaisen Ympäristömerkinnän rakennustuotetietokantaan ja sitä voidaan käyttää Joutsenmerkityissä rakennuksissa.
GTIN-koodi Tuotenimi Tuotenumero Pakkauskoko
6416841560575 RAPPAUSLAASTI KS 50/50 1,2 MM 25 KG 56057 25 kg
6416841360571 RAPPAUSLAASTI KS 50/50 1,2 MM 1000 KG 36057 1000 kg
6416841530578 RAPPAUSLAASTI KS 50/50 3 MM 25 KG 53057 25 kg
6416841330574 RAPPAUSLAASTI KS 50/50 3 MM 1000 KG 33057 1000 kg


The adhesive plaster (Fescon KS 10/90 or KS 35/65) must harden for at least one day before filling. If necessary, wet the base before applying the filler.


Refer to the bag for how much water the plaster requires. Add the dry material to the water and mix with a concrete mixer for around ten minutes. With a power mixer or a drill paddle, around one to three minutes of mixing is sufficient. Let the plaster stand for around ten minutes and mix it again for a short while. Find the correct consistency at this stage by gradually adding the rest of the water. We do not recommend adding all of the water right at the start. Every batch must be mixed in the same way. The finished plaster remains workable for around two to three hours.

Work instructions

Apply the filling plaster with a plaster trowel or a pump. A suitable thickness for one layer of filler is around 15 mm. If the layer thickness exceeds 20 mm, the filler must be applied in several layers so that the previous layer has had time to dry for one to two days before the next layer is applied. In dry conditions, the base must be wetted before applying a new layer of plaster. Screed the filler plaster with a board. You can also carefully float the surface with a wooden tool to level the surface. Usage of dry plaster with a layer thickness of 15 mm
is approx. 30 kg/m². The lowest application temperature is +5°C and the recommended temperature is +10°C to +20°C. Plastering is not recommended in direct sunlight or in windy weather. Plastering nets mitigate the risk of cracking when mortar is drying. The net should be used especially at the connecting points of various materials, cracks in old brick walls, for reinforcing openings and corners, and plastering of various block surfaces (lightweight concrete, lightweight gravel, concrete). The correct position of the net in the plaster is 1/3 of the surface, however at least halfway outside.

After treatment

Filling plastering should be treated for at least three days with water irrigation. Aftercare should be started as early as possible to prevent plasticity cracks in the fresh mortar. In dry or windy conditions, aftercare should be started almost as soon as the mortar has sufficiently adhered to tolerate irrigation. If necessary, adhesive plastering should also be treated with water irrigation.

Varastointi ja jätteen käsittely
Katso erillinen varastointi ja hävitysohje


Approx. 30 kg/m² with a 15 mm layer thickness

Vedentarve 4.0 - 5.0 l/25 kg
Valmista massaa 13-14 l/25 kg

1.2 mm or 3.0 mm

Pakkauskoko 25 kg and 1000 kg

Storage time in a dry location approx. 1 year


1.8 kg/dm³

Työstettävyysaika 2-3 h
Ilmapitoisuus Approx. 15%
Pakkasenkestävyys Flexural and compressive strength do not decrease after 200 melt-freeze cycles
Leviämä / notkeus

Hägermann 170 mm

Vedenpidätyskyky 80 - 90%
Vastuunrajaus, tuotteen käyttöön liittyvät huomiot ja rajoitukset: Tutustu Fescon Oy:n yleisiin toimitusehtoihin ja tuotteeseen liittyviin suunnittelu- sekä työohjeisiin.