Adhesive plaster TL

Kysy lisätietoa


The Fescon Adhesive Plaster is a cement-based, polymer-modified, cement-based dry mortar with additives. The maximum grain size is 0.6 mm.

  • Easy to use
  • Good adhesion
  • Application by brush or spray
  • Chloride-free
  • Slow carbonation
  • Protects steel from rusting


  • Adhesive plaster for repair plasters used in concrete structure repair work
  • Corrosion protection of reinforcement bars uncovered during the repair of concrete structures
Tuote on listattu Pohjoismaisen Ympäristömerkinnän rakennustuotetietokantaan ja sitä voidaan käyttää Joutsenmerkityissä rakennuksissa.
GTIN-koodi Tuotenimi Tuotenumero Pakkauskoko
6416841631268 TARTUNTALAASTI TL 5 KG 63126 5 kg
6416841450265 TARTUNTALAASTI TL 25 KG 45026 25 kg

Clean the adhesion base of loose dust and dirt. Before applying the plaster, wet the area so that is damp enough to be darker in colour.


Refer to the package for how much water the plaster requires. Add the dry material to the water and mix with a concrete mixer for around ten minutes. With a power mixer or a drill paddle, around one to two minutes of mixing is sufficient. Allow the plaster to stand for around ten minutes and mix it again for a short while. Find the correct consistency at this stage by gradually adding the rest of the water. We do not recommend adding all of the water right at the start. The finished plaster remains workable for around two hours.

Spreading the plaster

The plaster is spread onto a base that is damp enough to be darker in colour with a sprayer, roller or brush. Adhesion-wise, the best method is strong brushing. Spread repairing plaster over the adhesion plaster that is still wet or has dried completely.

Pretreatment of reinforcements

Remove damaged concrete from around the damaged reinforcement, for example by chiselling or water sand blasting. Make the holes large enough and shape them so that any rusted reinforcements can be cleaned or, if necessary, replaced with new ones. Choose the cleaning method appropriate for the situation (e.g. steel brushing, sand blasting or water sand blasting) so that a Sa 2 or St 2 level of cleanliness can be achieved. Finally, clean the base of loose dust and dirt, for example by pressure washing.

Protecting the reinforcements

Apply one or two layers of Adhesive Plaster to the cleaned reinforcing bars. Apply the first layer as soon as possible after the reinforcements were cleaned. The thickness of one layer is around 1 mm. You can apply a new layer 2-3 hours after the plaster has hardened enough to feel dry to the touch. The lowest working temperature (air and the treated surfaces) is +5°C. Once the plaster has hardened enough to feel dry to the touch, fill in the repaired place with Fescon Repairing Plaster or Non-sag Filler.

Varastointi ja jätteen käsittely
Katso erillinen varastointi ja hävitysohje


1 mm layer 0.1-0.2 kg per lineal metre in steel protection, depending on its size
1.5-2.0 kg/m² as adhesive plaster

Vedentarve approx. 6 l/25 kg
Valmista massaa 12 - 13 l / 25 kg
Olomuoto powder
Väri gray
Pakkauskoko 5 kg, 25 kg

storage time in a dry location approx. 1 year

Alin käyttölämpötila


Työstettävyysaika 2 h

> 1.5 MPa

Palokäyttäytyminen A2
Vastuunrajaus, tuotteen käyttöön liittyvät huomiot ja rajoitukset: Tutustu Fescon Oy:n yleisiin toimitusehtoihin ja tuotteeseen liittyviin suunnittelu- sekä työohjeisiin.