Overlevelling plaster YTL

Kysy lisätietoa


The Fescon Overlevelling Plaster is a cement-based, polymer-modified dry mortar with additives, designed for concrete surfaces. The maximum grain size is 0.6 mm. 
The 25 kg package will be discontinued during 2025 and replaced by a 20 kg package.

  • Easy to use
  • Excellent weather resistance
  • Good workability characteristics
  • Good grip on the base
  • Spray-applied
  • Separate adhesives not required
  • Rubbable
  • Chloride-free
  • Supports thin-layer plastering
  • Breathable
  • Slow carbonation


  • Finishing of repairs of concrete structures both indoors and outdoors
  • Facade levelling and coatings
Tuote on listattu Pohjoismaisen Ympäristömerkinnän rakennustuotetietokantaan ja sitä voidaan käyttää Joutsenmerkityissä rakennuksissa.
GTIN-koodi Tuotenimi Tuotenumero Pakkauskoko
6416841450821 YLITASOITUSLAASTI YTL 20 KG 45082 20 kg
6416841450814 YLITASOITUSLAASTI YTL 25 KG 45081 25 kg


Repair deep cavities with repairing plaster (1.2 mm). Allow the patches to harden as long as possible before coating the entire surface. The surface of the patch must be as coarse as possible. You should not float the surface to bring the cement paste to the surface. Clean the entire base of loose dust and dirt, for example by pressure washing. The surface must be damp enough to be darker in colour before coating begins. The best time to wet the surface is the previous night.


Refer to the bag for how much water the plaster requires. Add the dry material to the water and mix with a concrete mixer for around ten minutes. With a power mixer or a drill paddle, around one to two minutes of mixing is sufficient. Allow the plaster to stand for around ten minutes and mix it again for a short while. Find the correct consistency at this stage by gradually adding the rest of the water. We do not recommend adding all of the water right at the start. The finished plaster remains workable for around two hours.

Work instructions

Spray the Fescon Overlevelling Plaster all around in a layer 1-2 mm thick. Level the surface if necessary. You should not float the surface to bring the cement paste to the surface. After the surface has hardened for at least a day, spray a second layer of overlevelling plaster, if necessary, into a layer about 1 mm thick. Level and float or brush the plaster into the desired profile. You should always carry out the finishing very carefully in order not to reduce adhesion to the base. The surface can also be left be unfinished after spraying.

After treatment

You must care for the coated area by spraying with water and/or protecting it with a plastic film. The need for aftercare depends on the conditions, and it should last at least 1-3 days.

Varastointi ja jätteen käsittely
Katso erillinen varastointi ja hävitysohje https://www.fescon.fi/materiaalipankki


1.8 kg/m2/mm

Vedentarve 4.5 - 5.5 l/25 kg
Olomuoto Powder
Väri Grey

0.6 mm

Pakkauskoko 25 kg

Storage time in a dry location approx. 1 year


1-3 mm



Työstettävyysaika 2 h

Approx. 20 MPa


> 1.5 MPa

Taivutusvetolujuus > 2.0 MPa

Approx.1.2 ‰ (28 days prism)

Pituuden lämpötilakerroin

(1/°C) < 15 x 10-6/°C


Approx. 7 mm (91 days, expedited test)

Vedenpidätyskyky > 90%
Vastuunrajaus, tuotteen käyttöön liittyvät huomiot ja rajoitukset: Tutustu Fescon Oy:n yleisiin toimitusehtoihin ja tuotteeseen liittyviin suunnittelu- sekä työohjeisiin.