Korrogard R 1.2 mm

Kysy lisätietoa


Fescon Korrogard R, 1.2 mm, is a polymer-modified and fibre-reinforced repair plaster for concrete structures. 

  • Silko-approved (17 February 2012)
  • Compressive strength around 40-50 MPa
  • Low drying shrinkage
  • Suitable for manual or spray application
  • Frost-resistant
  • Good adhesive properties


  • Repair, straightening and coating of concrete surfaces
  • For both horizontal and vertical surfaces
  • Adding a protective concrete shield
  • Increasing the structural strength
Tuote on listattu Pohjoismaisen Ympäristömerkinnän rakennustuotetietokantaan ja sitä voidaan käyttää Joutsenmerkityissä rakennuksissa.
GTIN-koodi Tuotenimi Tuotenumero Pakkauskoko
6416841533029 KORROGARD R 1,2 MM 25 KG 53302 25 kg

The base must be undamaged, clean, and damp enough to be darker in colour. There must be no cement paste on the surface. Remove damaged concrete, for example by chiselling or milling. After removal, make sure that no partially damaged concrete remains on the surface. If necessary, water sand blast the surfaces and finally pressure wash them. The target level of cleanliness is class 3. Clean reinforcement bars to cleanliness class Sa2 and pressure wash them. We recommend protecting the rebars immediately with Fescon Adhesive Plaster. Reinforcement according to the designer's instructions. Begin wetting the base on the previous day. The required amount of wetting depends on the weather conditions and, for instance, the strength of the base. Bases with a high strength require more wetting. You must always ensure that there is no standing water on the base when starting rendering. Use Fescon Adhesive Plaster for manual repairs. When spraying plaster on a base with adhesion difficulties, for example due to water absorption or smoothness, use Fescon Adhesive Plaster.


Total water requirement is around 3.6 l/25 kg of dry product. Add the dry material to the water and mix with a power mixer for around one to two minutes allow to stand for five minutes and mix again for a short while. Find the final consistency at this stage by adding water when necessary. However, keep the total amount of water at around 14.4% of the dry product. The finished plaster remains workable for around one hour.

Work instructions

When applying the compound manually, press it particularly carefully to the base. Use the adhesive plaster with the wet on wet principle. Apply deeper fills in layers so that the previous layer has had time to harden for at least one day. In machine application, use sufficiently powerful pumping equipment to apply the compound, for example, a plastering pump. If necessary, test to ensure that the equipment is suitable. The recommended layer thickness for a single spraying is 3-10 mm. You can use thicker fills when patching individual cavities. 

After treatment

The lowest working temperature is +5°C. Nor should the temperature be allowed to fall below this during aftercare. The aftercare must be begun immediately after the plaster has been spread and must continue for at least five days. We recommend plastic covers and/or hood. The aftercare is stopped in stages. Naturally, the SILKO guidelines shall also be followed during aftercare.

Varastointi ja jätteen käsittely
Katso erillinen varastointi ja hävitysohje https://www.fescon.fi/materiaalipankki


approx. 2,0 kg/m2 / 1 mm layer

Vedentarve approx. 3,6 l / 25 kg
Valmista massaa approx. 13-14 l / 25 kg of dry product
Väri gray
Koostumus portland cement, natural sand 1.2 mm, polymer and fibre reinforcement
Pakkauskoko 25 kg

the product keeps for 12 months from the manufacturing date unopened in a dry location

Työstettävyysaika max. approx. 1 h

7 days approx. 35 MPa
28 days 40 - 50 MPa (EN 12190)
strength depends on the amount of water used and the aftercare


> 1.5 MPa (EN 1542)


6 mm (according to the Silko test programme)

Pakkasenkestävyys adhesion strength > 2 MPa (EN 13687) (no cracking or lamination)
Vastuunrajaus, tuotteen käyttöön liittyvät huomiot ja rajoitukset: Tutustu Fescon Oy:n yleisiin toimitusehtoihin ja tuotteeseen liittyviin suunnittelu- sekä työohjeisiin.