Bedding plaster LF RD

Kysy lisätietoa


Fescon Bedding Plaster LF RD is a polymer-based low-dust bedding plaster for interior walls. Minimum delivery 3 pallets.


  • Wall and ceiling surfaces in dry spaces
  • Suitable for rock material bases and board surfaces
  • The levelling compound cannot be used for floor levelling or as a base for tiling 
  • Low dust generation during mixing
Tuote on listattu Pohjoismaisen Ympäristömerkinnän rakennustuotetietokantaan ja sitä voidaan käyttää Joutsenmerkityissä rakennuksissa.
GTIN-koodi Tuotenimi Tuotenumero Pakkauskoko
6416841201010 POHJATASOITE LF 20 KG 20101 20 kg


Refer to the package for how much water the levelling compound requires. Add the dry material to the water and mix with a drill paddle for around one to two minutes. Let the levelling compound stand for at least fifteen minutes and mix it again for a short while. The finished levelling compound remains workable for around one day. The adhesion and wear resistance of the levelling compound can be improved by replacing 10% of the water with Fescon Primer.

Work instructions

The base should be solid, clean and free from any dust or other materials that could compromise adhesion. Before starting work, all structural components at risk of being damaged during levelling must be protected. Apply the levelling plaster on the surface (surface moisture must be below 90%) using either a plaster sprayer or steel trowel.  Any excess plaster may be recovered and reused. If you apply several layers of plaster, allow the previous layer to fully harden before applying the next layer. Depending on the conditions, hardening takes one to two days. If necessary, the dried surface is sanded after each plaster application. The levelled surface can be treated with LRF or wallpapered or painted.

Other considerations

Do not leave the levelling compound in the pumps and hoses for longer than a day. Excess moisture of the structure may cause yellowing of the putty. Surfaces must be levelled in accordance with the general quality standards for indoor renovations (SisäRYL 2013).

Varastointi ja jätteen käsittely
Katso erillinen varastointi ja hävitysohje


1 mm layer aprox. 1.2 kg/m² (full levelling max. 1-3 mm/application)

Vedentarve 4.8-5.6 l/20 kg
Olomuoto Powder
Sideaine Polymer adhesive
Runkoaine Limestone powder. Limestone powder contains small amounts of quartz, but the weight content of alveolar quartz is less than 1%, so the product is not classified as harmful in terms of quartz.
Väri Whitish

0.6 mm

Pakkauskoko 20 kg

Storage time in a dry location approx. 1 year


1 - 5 mm

Alin käyttölämpötila


Työstettävyysaika 1 day
Päällystettävyys Surface levelling, painting or wallpapering

Approx. 1 day at +20°C, approx. 2 days at +10°C
Drying time depends on layer thickness and the humidity in the drying area


> 0.5 MPa (for a concrete surface)

Palokäyttäytyminen A2
Rasitusluokat RL 01 - RL 03 ( RL 04 with addition of primer)

Not waterproof

Vastuunrajaus, tuotteen käyttöön liittyvät huomiot ja rajoitukset: Tutustu Fescon Oy:n yleisiin toimitusehtoihin ja tuotteeseen liittyviin suunnittelu- sekä työohjeisiin.